NAD C 316BEE V2 Integrated Amplifier
Wharfedale Diamond 12.0 Speakers
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RRP/SRP £498.00
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Free QED XT25 Speaker Cable (3M)

  • 1 x NAD C 316BEE V2 (Graphite) Integrated Amplifier
  • 1 x Wharfedale Diamond 12.0 (Black Oak) Speakers (Pair)
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Free QED XT25 Speaker Cable (3M)

Free QED XT25 Speaker Cable (3M) Worth £89.95
Improving the Budget Reference Amplifier

NAD has a distinct reputation for creating some of the best performing budget amplifiers of all time. The lineage is impressive, all the way from the 3020 of 1978 to the current C 328, with many "Best Amp" awards and five-star reviews along the way. The C 316BEE lived up to expectations, garnering multiple accolades including an EISA award for ‘Best Product 2008-2009’ and top recommendations from the world’s leading audio publications. With the resurgence of vinyl we decided to update the design by including NAD’s highly acclaimed RIAA phono stage. This sophisticated circuit combines low noise with high overload margins to eliminate noise and distortion. RIAA equalization is extremely accurate (a rarity at this price) and there is even an infrasonic filter to reject airborne vibrations that can cause parasitic feedback.

Proven Technology Enhanced by Innovation

NAD’s PowerDrive Circuit has been proven to offer a remarkable combination of high current drive needed for complex loudspeaker loads, and high levels of undistorted dynamic power. By monitoring the precise operating condition of the power amplifier, PowerDrive uses this intelligence to automatically optimize the power supply settings for uniformly low distortion and maximum power in the real world of music listening. As featured in our top Masters Series models, PowerDrive uses a complex ‘analogue computer’ to determine the optimal settings. For the C 316V2, NAD’s Director of Advanced Development, Bjorn Erik Edvardsen, developed a clever new computation circuit requiring fewer parts at a much lower cost without any reduction in effectiveness.

All the hallmarks of NAD technology are present, from the generously sized toroidal power transformer and low ESR smoothing capacitors, to the multiple regulated secondary supplies, to the heavy duty discrete output transistors, the C 316V2 is every bit as refined and sophisticated as other NAD amplifiers.


While the C 316V2 has everything necessary for musical enjoyment, it is refreshingly limited to the essentials: six inputs, one set of speakers, a headphone jack, and full function remote control. It has a compact size and a handsome yet understated exterior. It is essential NAD.


We are confident that the C 316V2 will set new benchmarks for performance, both measured and audible, at this affordable price point. Unless you have power hungry speakers, listen at dangerously loud levels, or have a very large room, the C 316V2 will be the amplifier for you. Fundamental specifications for noise, distortion, power, stereo separation, and volume control tracking, are all class leading and would be impressive on an amplifier costing many times its modest price.

While its bells and whistles may not be as extensive as our more expensive offerings, the C 316V2 is far from a "stripped down" product. With five line level inputs, an MM Phono Input, full IR remote control, defeatable tone controls and a front panel input for a phone or tablet, the C 316V2 is fully equipped to be the control center for a high performance music system. Continuous power is a conservative 40 watts, and dynamic power (more important for music listening) is impressively more than 100 watts! This is far more usable power on tap than other amplifiers at this price, and this power is available across the entire audible band at a class leading 0.03%.

The sonic result of this high technology is a relaxed and inviting sound that digs out the subtle details in your favourite recordings and presents them across a panoramic stereo sound stage. The impressive dynamic power reserves make the C 316V2 sound both articulate and alive. The silent background and low distortion gives a sense of solidity and presence to your music and brings out the best your loudspeakers have to offer.

Diamond 12.0

The ultra-compact speaker in the DIAMOND 12 series, the DIAMOND 12.0 features all of the same technology as its larger siblings but is designed for small-footprint hi-fi systems, or even as a high-performance, compact satellite speaker in home theatre systems.

The DIAMOND 12.0 features a high-performance 100mm (4”) KlarityTM driver with a bass performance that exceeds its diminutive footprint, while the superb 25mm (1”) woven polyester dome tweeter brings open and smoothly extended high frequencies.

Wharfedale Diamond 12.0 Bookshelf Speakers

Klarity a?ords focus

NEW Klarity™ cone material, formulated from a blend of Polypropylene and mica adds sti?ness to reduce ?exing, enabling a lightweight cone with high rigidity, low colouration and lightning-fast response.

Low colour and expression

The Klarity™ cone is ?tted with a low-damping surround, thereby achieving both low colouration and expressive dynamics. By simulating many di?erent cone shapes and adding ribs to provide further sti?ening, a ?at response curve was achieved without resorting to a high-damping surround, thereby striking the ideal balance.

A magnet of forces

A precision-made magnet system with an aluminium compensation ring to minimise the e?ect of variations in inductance as the voice coil travels. This contributes to an absence of distortion and intermodulation generated by the ‘motor system’.

A voice coil beyond this class

The voice coil is wound on a high-power epoxy/glass ?bre bobbin highly unusual in speakers at this price level. This has the advantage of not adding eddy currents and delivering greater power handling than an aluminium bobbin, whilst also being much sti?er than the Kapton type associated with this price-class.

Wharfedale Diamond 12.0 Bookshelf Speakers


The 25mm dome is made from a woven polyester ?lm with a high-loss coating to deliver open and smoothly extended high frequencies. The magnet system and the front plate have been optimised for wide dispersion and uncompressed behaviour. The front plate is ?at and exposes the dome as much as possible; only a very short duct on the front plate balances the acoustic load and improves the SPL (sound pressure level) measurement.

Wharfedale Diamond 12.0 Bookshelf Speakers

A crossover of style

The crossover network uses an acoustic LKR 24dB topology. This includes air-core inductors of the type more commonly found in high-end speakers, selected because they produce the lowest distortion of all inductor types. As the resistance of the coil is higher than a standard laminated steel or ferrite core inductor, the magnetic structure of the mid/bass driver has been modi?ed to compensate, resulting in fast, clean bass with no distortion from the inductor.

Wharfedale Diamond 12.0 Bookshelf Speakers

Firm and fair

The DIAMOND 12.1 ’s rear-ported enclosure is precisely sized so that the internal volume works in harmony with the drive unit system to deliver the desired sonic result. A multi-layered sandwich design subdues the identi?able characteristics of the cabinet’s ‘sound’. Even the resonant properties of the glue between the layers was measured to determine the optimum combination.

Wharfedale Diamond 12.0 Bookshelf Speakers

Brace yourself

Inside the cabinet, Intelligent Spot Bracing connects opposite walls with a speci?c form of the wood brace to achieve an optimal reduction of cabinet resonance. These braces are precisely modelled by computer simulation to improve upon the commonplace ‘?gure of eight’ brace, which may simply transfer resonance from one wall to another.

Wharfedale Diamond 12.0 Bookshelf Speakers

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